Importance of keeping sex toys clean

Cleaning sex toys is an essential part if you want them to last longer. Cleaning your toys properly will help you avoid them getting a bacterial infection. You can also get STIs if your toys are not cleaned properly. Some STIs, such as scabies, can live for weeks outside the body. Most sex toys from come with cleaning directions, and it’s essential to follow the instructions to the latter. Most of the cleaning directions are necessary and involve using soap and water. But not all sex toys are cleaned in the same way. If you insert the sex toy in your body, you have to make sure it’s safe. Why should you clean your sex toys? It’s crucial to keep your sex toys clean for the following reasons.
To be safe from STIs
You not only get STIs through intercourse or oral. They can thrive in those tools of pleasure you use daily. Sexually transmitted infections can spread when you use dirty toys. General hygiene is crucial when using sex toys. Make sure you clean your sex toys after every use. It’s especially true when you use the toys with your partner. Not cleaning the toy can result in HPV, which can be passed immediately. Shared toys can also lead to the spread of infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, or bacterial infections. Make sure you are tested often between partners.
General hygiene
Cleaning your sex toys is also essential for general hygiene. You should make it a habit always to clean your toy. Never go to sleep without cleaning it no matter how tired you may be. Treat your toy just like you would treat your body. It would be nice to use a clean toy. Imagine using a toy that is filled with bacteria. That is what your sex toy will be if you don’t clean it up.

Now you have reasons to keep your sex toys clean. The toys should be cleaned after every single use. You can’t make it a once a week thing. Make it a habit and get it done. It will only take a few moments to clean your sex toys. It is the only way they will last you longer. Before the next use, your sex toys have to be clean. No one will do it for you. So, you have to get started and clean your toy.